A plus in Winston is that he appears to be one of the only politicians who recognises that dog and horse racing are a support arm of a very large industry that also has a large export component. Most politicians, in their ignorance, think it is just another form of gambling.
This industry is taxed heavily at its base, the goose that lays the golden egg. Don't tax the goose; tax the egg. This grows the goose and the size of the egg.
Lower, or preferably cut out, turnover tax.
Sir Winston
I hope that those who cast their party vote in the Whanganui electorate for NZ First are now reflecting on their decision.
Did you hear him rant on about the failure of capitalism (don't blame him, he said)? But the same capitalism pays our pensions.
But worse may be to come, despite his perceived failure of capitalism.
My pick is that Winston has done a deal under the table with Jacinda to get a knighthood and to be the next NZ Governor General when Dame Patsy's term is over.
The two fit together, and that's about as close to the "kingship" as he can aspire to be.
Anti-Trump spin
Jay Kuten yet again gives us his spin on current affairs that involve US President Donald Trump, a spin that emphasises anything anti-Trump and ignores all evidence that may offer balance or a better view.
Jay speaks of "American ineffectiveness" in stopping the Korean leader in his nuclear ambitions, yet places this ineffectiveness at the feet of Trump rather than where it belongs on the list of "achievements" of the previous administrations. The Trump Administration is actually doing a fairly good job trying to clean up others' messes.
Jay disparages Trump for a war of words in hurricane-devastated Puerto Rico with the mayor of San Juan , who, according to Jay, was only speaking out about "the inadequacies of the American rescue effort". While the Governor of Puerto Rico and other mayors and officials praised the administration for its response and said that they need more help,
the San Juan mayor played politics. It is wrong of Jay to belittle both the terrible situation and the valiant response to it for his little political games.
Then Jay goes on to misrepresent the "taking a knee" NFL controversy, Trump, Trump's comments, the Charlottesville protests and riot, the free speech argument going on in the US, and anything else he can get his hands on to fill his false narrative attacking Trump.
Jay, when you claim that what Trump says "adds to the national polarisation and encourages violence" it is really hard to accept that you could actually honestly believe your own words. The majority of the violence, division, and attacks on free speech in the US are the property of your fellow left-wingers. This, of course, includes the group Antifa, who were recognised as a "domestic terrorist organisation" even under the Obama administration, but were given free rein until recently by Democrats.
Jay, you try to paint Trump a demagogue. Well, the dictionary definition of a demagogue is "a political leader who appeals to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument." Are you aiming for political leadership, because you seem to have the rest of it down pat.
Footnote: The Chronicle's Concise Oxford Dictionary defines demagogue as "a political agitator appealing to the basest instincts of the mob" or (history) "a leader of the people, especially in ancient times".
Send your letters to: The Editor, Wanganui Chronicle, 100 Guyton St, PO Box 433, Wanganui 4500; or email editor@wanganuichronicle.co.nz