For those of us lucky enough to have been there, he put on a show that had the audience in raptures.
There were no frills with lighting and special effects, just the man, his band and his talent.
I'm glad I turned on the radio that afternoon.
Slip repair delays
The headline on Tuesday's front page ("Consent holds up Anzac Parade slip repairs from floodwater washout") wasn't the only aspect of that latest outbreak of delaying, dodging and dissembling by and on behalf of NZ Transport Agency that had me choking on my muesli.
After all this time it seems our outgoing MP, Chester Borrows, has flicked this imminent disaster up to Simon Bridges, the minister responsible for the government agency that has left this critical piece of highway and Whanganui infrastructure at unacceptable risk through two winters now.
Unsurprisingly, Mr Bridges trotted out the old "blame it on the [Horizons] consent process" line. But anyone who has had anything to do with regional council consents involving river or stream disturbances -- as no doubt NZTA has on multiple occasions -- would know that a standard condition is that no work take place during relevant fish spawning seasons. And anyone who knows anything about the Whanganui River would know it's a very important habitat and breeding ground for whitebait and other native species, and that March-June and August-November are key spawning times.
Only two weeks ago, after NZTA had received the proposed consent conditions from Horizons, agency spokesperson Ross l'Anson spun the preposterous furphy on Radio NZ that they "... now expected to start work in September or October and be done by December".
Pull the other one, Mr l'Anson, as you have done with alarming frequency during this slow-moving train wreck of yours right on our doorstep.
Mayor Hamish McDouall is right to be extremely worried about this dissembling and the almost certain catastrophe if we get another high-velocity flood. And it should be a factor in every Whanganui voters' choice on September 23.
This government has treated us with nothing but contempt since June 2015.
DHB apology
I was interested to hear on RNZ that the Southland DHB commissioner had issued a written apology to the Dunedin Hospital patients who have had their surgeries delayed for months.
I wonder if this would have happened had not the patients, in desperation, approached the media, namely the John Campbell programme.
John and his team have been investigating their situation. This has resulted in the medical staff backing the patients' claims and the DHB deciding to produce a report on the problems within a week.
I should imagine all this sudden action is because of all the negative publicity.
Dunedin Hospital may be a worst-case scenario, due in part to ageing facilities and lack of ICU beds, but DHBs all over this country are suffering to some extent from underfunding, which leads on to understaffing plus earlier discharges to the home care support services, which are often insufficient for the patients' needs.
Our health system is under severe strain and requires urgent attention from the next government, whoever that may be.
Trump's right
In 1994 then US President Bill Clinton made an agreement with North Korea that meant the US gave them new nuclear power technology to replace their old set-up.
This agreement included North Korea's promise to cease their nuclear weapons development.
Since then, North Korea has repeatedly broken that agreement and the US presidents Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama have not responded in any effective way.
Now, in response to threats from North Korea, President Donald Trump has responded with threats of his own.
His words have been criticised by many. Since the previous policies of appeasement and the measured tones of President Obama have only led to this situation, it seems Trump's stronger approach is what is needed.
The alternative seems to be the acceptance of an unpredictable and probably crazy North Korean leader having control of a growing and developing nuclear arsenal, as the major world powers show themselves to be foolish and toothless.
Send your letters to: The Editor, Wanganui Chronicle, 100 Guyton St, PO Box 433, Wanganui 4500; or email