Lipstick on a pig? Have a look at what Wikipedia has to say about this phrase.
St John's Hill
Appeal thanks
On behalf of Alzheimers Whanganui, I thank all the wonderful volunteers who turned out to help us with our recent Street Appeal despite the cold weather.
Thank you, also, to our community for their generosity. Alzheimers Whanganui Inc raised almost $5000, which will go towards improving the care of people with dementia and their families in our community.
Dementia is one of New Zealand's biggest health challenges, and we can't afford to do nothing. Making changes that keep people well for longer and delay entry into residential care could achieve cost benefit ratios of 6.6 times the investment.
That's a return of $6.60 for every dollar invested. More importantly, it could increase the quality of life for people with dementia and their family/whanau and caregivers, so thank you all for your support.
Manager Alzheimers, Whanganui Inc
Educating boys
Schooling of girls and boys needs to be done in separate classrooms in secondary schools.
Girls are a distraction to boys; it lowers their concentration.
I had kids at a school when girls were introduced. The boys said, as soon as the girls entered the classroom, the teachers changed their demands as to how the boys had to behave, to accommodate the girls. It was no longer a boys' culture.
Have co-ed secondary schools by all means, but have separate classrooms. Let the boys be boys.
Clock ticking
South Korea is not interested in a unification with North Korea [which would be] financially too costly, unlike West Germany with East Germany in 1989. Two different situations.
North Korea has no intention to attack or invade South Korea. As a matter of fact, South Korea has 160,000 soldiers and the United States 20,000 stationed in the South.
China cannot and will not topple the regime of Kim.
Kim has no intention of relinquishing his nuclear arsenal, hence the stand-off between the leaders of NK and the US. In America they have a "garde-fou" controlling a madman in the White House by his advisers, who are becoming more dangerous than Donald so as not to be demoted. In Korea, there is no one to stop the madman. The doomsday clock has now moved a few minutes backwards.
Evil prospers
A quiet, bloodless revolution has been developing in New Zealand, and people are too busy getting through the day to be aware of its insidious nature. Radicals now control the bureaucracy at all levels of government including education and health.
They've connived to ensure like-minded followers have been appointed to the judiciary, governors general, human rights and race relations commissioners, local authority representatives and - most obviously of all - as editors and journalists in the news media.
History and reality are being rewritten to suit a cult type of mania and, as a result of this racial divisiveness, NZ is imploding.
The facilitation of this state by morally corrupt and double-dealing politicians has undermined democracy for the appeasement of regressive, tribal control. As tribal control doesn't function anywhere else in the world, why would they believe that it would work in New Zealand?
The associated generous remuneration, expenses, grants, settlements and taxes are all paid by us, the taxpayers, without due consultation or consent. What prospect do patriotic Kiwis have these days?
Their daily experiences, commonsense and understanding of the human psyche count for nought, which illustrates that evil prospers when good people do nothing.