Alongside this, readers of the Chronicle may be aware that the extra from a Living Wage pay would make a welcome difference in the pockets of low-income workers. Living Wage Whanganui was told recently that people did not understand how the Living Wage is calculated. We would like to take the opportunity in this column to explain how the annual Living Wage rate is arrived at.
The Living Wage is calculated to enable a working family of two adults (one working a full-time week, the other part-time) with two children to pay basic household bills, provide healthy food and pay for children's school trips.
It is based on expenditure items for a modest weekly budget.
Wage movement is reported by Statistics New Zealand, quarterly in the New Zealand Income Survey, and the Living Wage rate is set according to the wage movement for the year to the previous June.
The calculations are done by researchers at the Family Centre Social Policy in Lower Hutt. The recalculated Living Wage hourly rate for 2017, which came into effect on July 1, is $20.20 per hour.
A full review of the methodology is done every five years.
For more information, see the Living Wage Movement Aotearoa website:
Living Wage Whanganui thanks all those who made submissions in support of the Living Wage in this year's Whanganui District Council Annual Plan process.
MARION SANSON Convener, Whanganui Living Wage
Deliverers should be more considerate, says F Foster.
Mail delivery problem
Do the people who deliver the local papers and pamphlets to letterboxes not realise that other people deliver items to the same letterboxes?
The norm for these deliverers is to leave the papers etc hanging half out of the letterbox, making it almost impossible to put anything else in the box.
Over the recent rainy period the papers etc got sopping wet, which must really annoy the householders (Hipango Tce is an extreme example).
The process would cause only a fraction of the sediment movement seen in any storm or flood.
No toxic chemicals; just moving a bit of sand which the rivers brought down as silt in the first place.
The answer is sad and simple. The environmental movements have been hijacked by the Global Corporate elite. They want a one world government a "new world order". To achieve this goal, democratic free sovereign nations must be brought to their knees economically.
Only then can they be brought into the totalitarian control of the new world order with the UN, the world government running the world for the benefit of the corporate global elite. People like billionaire George Soros, The late David Rockefeller, the Rothschilds.
So those poor, good people fighting to stop seabed mining are in fact doing work for psychopathic billionaires. Think about it.
Will there be protesters protesting against China or India, if they were to embark on similar projects?
Send your letters to: The Editor, Wanganui Chronicle, 100 Guyton St, PO Box 433, Wanganui 4500; or email During the general election campaign period, no opinion columns or letters to the editor will be accepted from candidates unless they are to correct factual mistakes. Electioneering letters from those involved in candidates' campaigns will also not be accepted. However, readers' letters on issues that concern voters are always welcome.