Betcha can't do it, forestry guys.
If you can, you will certainly solve any unemployment problem this country has. Not to mention the fresh air and carbon credits from all those trees.
Of course, we might have to bulldoze large portions of Auckland suburbia to free up that much real estate for the trees, but that would be a good thing, wouldn't it ... ?
Charge points
Mr Ballance (Letters, November 7), my letter was about a perception of a physical gap in the electric car-charging stations network.
As a business facilitator and, importantly, environmentally, of course WDC should be engaged.
His criticism of me is misplaced. We are simply awaiting the launch date (my second query with council), not the debate.
His concern on the topic is with WDC, not me.
Council's role in part (and especially through Whanganui & Partners) is to encourage businesses coming to Whanganui. Electric cars are a fact.
ChargeNet is the sole national network commercial operator, and council is engaged in that re. land, safety and access.
It's no different to WDC's role with the port redevelopment and the ferry proposal.
It's about bringing people and services/businesses here, improving what we have for our residents and the flow-on benefits for all.
On this I am a no-brainer "green" person.
Horses pooped back then, and cars pollute now, so the sooner another dinosaur goes, in time, the better.
Winston's aims
If, as David Bennett asserts (Letters, November 3), that Winston Peter's main aims were to be dubbed a knight and nominated as Governor-General, he probably would have been better advised to align himself with National.
After all, they initiated the idea when they knighted Keith Holyoake and made him G-G.
More recently, one of the first actions of the recent National government was to restore the honours system, which had been scrapped by Helen Clark's government - and who received a knighthood from that action?
I know it may be hard for some to believe, but it could just be possible that Winston acted in what he believed to be the best interests of the nation, and not simply for a meaningless decoration.
St John's Hill
Nature not God
Tom Pittams attempts to make God more palatable by suggesting we make God and nature synonymous.
Many have, and do, attempt to create a god of their own convenience that fits with their human view of how things should be.
Having done this myself, I now realise that these man-made counterfeits can never equal the God who reveals His father-heart in the Bible, in the person of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit.
Nature is not equal to its maker, but a signpost pointing to Him.
Wrong answer
Please allow me a reaction on the Chronicle Quiz (November 1) Answer to the question "what is the hook of Holland" needs to be reviewed. The southeastern part of Holland is surrounded by the countries Germany and Belgium; no sea for a port. Unless perhaps if an airport goes for it. Or there might be another explanation to make the southeast a hook of Holland ...
There is a city Hoek van Holland (translated Hook of Holland) on the southwest of Holland, the entrance to the well-known port of Rotterdam.
If Hoek van Holland was the intention for the answer, the quiz gave an incorrect answer ["A port in the southeast Netherlands"], as you can see, spelling out the letters in your paper!
Send your letters to: The Editor, Wanganui Chronicle, 100 Guyton St, PO Box 433, Wanganui 4500; or email