Humble pie
Regarding David Bennett's letter of December 17 about Winston Peters' wish to be among the first people to go back inside Pike River mine:
Mr Bennett offered a good helmet and didn't expect it to come back.
I suggest Mr Bennett be careful what he wishes for. I have a feeling his favourite bunch of Wellington wombles are going to need Mr Peters after next year's elections.
I can see humble pie and indigestion featuring large after next year's results.
Bible truth
Paul Evans apparently views as heresy the view that the natural world can be - and is - impacted by the supernatural and yet considers belief in the accuracy and inspiration of theBible "idolatry".
Idolatry is worshipping created things rather than the Creator (God), including self. The Bible has more external support than any other ancient text, and its accuracy and consistency is testament to God's supernatural inspiration of those who wrote it down.
Archaeology, other historical texts and science all support the content of the Bible (see: http://creation.com/search?q=evidence+for+Bible). The scientific laws themselves point to a law-giver who is orderly, wise and loving.
In addition, the changed lives of those who come to know their Creator and experience a total turn-around are clear evidence of the power of the supernatural to impact the natural.
We will not be free of creation's groanings in this world, but can all ease the sufferings of others. I hope and pray that Paul will find God's love, joy and peace at Christmas.
Blessings to all staff and readers of the Chron.
Right on abuse
Congratulations on the Chronicle editor's intestinal fortitude (editorial, November 29).
Women are more likely to resort to psychological abuse - more damaging than physical abuse - and the offspring pay the price and turn to drugs and alcohol and wind up in mental and jail incarceration.
Have a pay rise and keep publishing abuse stories and, hopefully, people will change their ways and stop child abuse/murder.
Maslin the man
Going back a few years, while chairing Whanganui District Health Board, I promised myself that when John Maslin retired, I would place on public record my thanks to him for his work as health reporter for the Chronicle.
I will always be grateful to John for his very balanced reporting and fair representation of events through some troubled times.
Thank you John.
US reality check
Jay Kuten is upset at Donald Trump's electoral success in the US election. The blue collars didn't bow down to the leftie intellectuals' "we-know-best" attitude.
Like the spoiled child throwing a tantrum, his article in the Chronicle is a worry. The Chronicle puts him forward as some kind, intellectual wise voice, obviously that article proved nothing could be further from the truth.
He led the left-wing ideologists' opposition to a flag change on a political agenda - not on what was best for New Zealand. Hence we have a situation where our national flag is relegated to the background in favour of the black with a silver fern flag which the vast majority proudly fly, when with common sense the new flag would have been flown, uniting us.
Socialism promises utopia and delivers the opposite, and the blue collars are waking up to that fact.
American blacks have been hoodwinked for too long by the left - they don't do anything for them, the Republicans do. It was the Republicans who demolished slavery, it was the Republicans who fought segregation, but somehow the left's promise of utopia was seized upon as being best for the working class.
The propaganda being pushed is that the middle and working classes are being ripped off - "10 per cent have the majority of the wealth" is the same used to sell communism to the masses, and we know how well that treated them.