Second, the irony of your publishing my letter, which you described as being primarily about "censorship and abortion", and then your appearing to practise censorship yourselves, specifically about abortion.
You made the claim that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was opposed to abortion without explaining her actual stance. You then said: "Planned Parenthood continued that stance for many years after it was legalised."
Could you please supply references for this startling claim that differs from historical fact?
Since Planned Parenthood campaigned for the legalisation of abortion in the United States and then became an abortion provider after it was legalised, I have trouble giving credibility to your claim that they were opposed to abortion "for many years after it was legalised".
National day
We are all equal in New Zealand, but some are more equal than others.
Once again we have our day of nationhood despoiled. It's just a day off work with nothing but the cringe factor.
What government changed it from New Zealand Day and used culture to embarrass us in front of the world? The Prime Minister represents all New Zealanders and this ethnic divide stops now.
Maori are not "victims" - they have been given every opportunity.
Up to the 1950s, you had to have half-Maori blood to be called Maori. Now it is "tick the box" at Census time for anything but "New Zealander". Why is this?
What do you say to exclusive non-Maori Parliamentary seats? I know it would be called "racist".
Adding 140,000 words to an unwritten language shows disrespect to all other ethnicities.
Bring on a republic, then we can celebrate a truly multicultural society - that's what nationhood really is.
In Terry Sarten's article in the Wanganui Chronicle he puts forward the ever-present view that we are not doing enough to help the poor.
There is never an article to show what the poor could do to help themselves, to accept some responsibility for their position.
It is patently obvious that if you remove most of the responsibility for their welfare from them, they become incapable of doing anything.
Terry is buying the propaganda that the wealth gap is the worst it's ever been, which is the opposite to what can be observed.
This mantra is sweeping the planet and just gives you poverty because the movers and shakers can't accumulate enough capital to do what needs to be done.
We don't want to be sucked into the theory that governments can do the wealth creation more fairly.
How many times do we have to suffer setbacks because the jealous are jealous, but refuse to put in the effort or risk to assuage their jealousy.
The responsible people refrain from having more children than they can afford.
The irresponsible think there is a cheque attached to each child.
Bennett praised
An excellent contribution from David Bennett (Opinion, February 2).
His thoughtful, analytical views made excellent reading, so hopefully we shall hear more from this erudite man.
The world is a fast-changing stage, and this fact was well-illustrated in his article.