A BARRON, Aramoho
Which experts
The "yet-to-be-established expert group" will play a decisive role in determining Labour's tax strategy.
New Zealand is a small population, say 4.8 million people. Skill base ascending the pyramid thins out - there are probably only a handful of New Zealand experts.
How many experts live outside the Reserve Bank and Treasury?
Maybe Labour might introduce some colonial cringe - foreign experts.We do not know.
Is it possible for the local Labour candidate to find out their names?
Dairy impact
Al Jazeera has launched a two-part documentary into the state of New Zealand's unhealthy waterways, part of a series on the impact dairy farming has on our rivers and lakes.
The documentary aims to reveal the actual state of affairs which the National Government for years has refused to admit as factual.
New Zealand's waterways are in a parlous state about which this government is in denial. The true facts will emerge and the damage to our country's reputation will be significant.
I grew up in the 1920s when water quality purity was taken for granted.
D T S GRACE, Whanganui
Winston lets side down
I have observed the incredible amount of time, effort, and most likely money that an array of political party volunteers are investing in the 2017 election campaign.
I feel sorry for the New Zealand First volunteers whose leader chooses not to honour the hard graft of the party membership in his declining to engage in the live TV debates.
My message to Mr Peters as a swinging voter is: "It's not all about you."
Mr Peters has a responsibility to those who are supporting him to front key campaign opportunities, including TV debates.
Pretending to be a major party when one isn't, and then throwing one's toys out of the cot is personal hubris trumping political reality.
Great example
New Zealand has not had an unmarried prime minister for 75 years since Michael Joseph Savage, the first Labour prime minister.
History records that all of our prime ministers believed that the state was at the service of the natural family which consisted exclusively of one man and one woman. They were all committed to defending and promoting the natural family which they believed was the foundation of a healthy society.
New Zealand is fortunate in having a married prime minister with six children, this is a great example for our children and grandchildren.
KEN ORR, Christchurch