I felt proud of Wanganui on Queen's Birthday weekend. I was invited to speak to the annual meeting of the Federation of Railway Organisations of New Zealand, and the hundred or so delegates were treated to the nicest weather we have had for some time - the whole place just shone.
But that's not all. Many of us climbed aboard the PS Waimarie on Sunday and enjoyed a shipshape social occasion on our trip up the river to Upokongaro.
Very Bristol fashion - that steamboat just keeps on getting better and is a credit to the people who look after it. It was surprisingly spacious, warm and comfortable in the lounge below decks and I found myself hoping that I would be press-ganged into stoking the boiler - I had even worn my older gear just in case.
Probably just as well after my "shoulder trouble", said the sensible member of the family.
We were even treated to an appearance by Alexander Hatrick, who used to own the boat back in the day. He gave us the story of how he had begun in business in Wanganui near the turn of the century and eventually owned a number of riverboats including the Waimarie - which he named after his niece Marie, pronounced "Marie".