Have you ever wondered why we laugh? There are loads of theories, but one I find particularly interesting is the evolutionary theory of laughter, which suggests that we use laughter as a way of signifying safety.
A researcher recently told me about a study that observed chimpanzees in their natural habitat. The chimps were seen to change their behaviour and facial expressions when they realised that a snake was not a snake but actually a stick. According to the researchers, the chimps appeared to start laughing when they realised their mistake. This signified to others that the situation was innocuous and they could all relax. Super interesting I think.
But moving into the 21st century, what are the benefits of laughter? We've all heard the old adage that laughter is the best medicine, but what is the veracity behind this particular folk wisdom?
A great laugh is a wonderful thing, not only does it feel great but the science is showing that laughing also has remarkable health benefits. A good laugh releases a tsunami of feel good chemicals and hormones in the body, which has amazing benefits for your physical health and mental agility.
Regular laughter strengthens the immune system and helps people to fight against illnesses from the common cold to cancer. Laughter reduces blood pressure, decreases stress hormones and relieves pain. A good laugh increases heart rate and blood flow, having a similar effect to exercise and can feel like the "runner's high".