Working bees have been run and the marae workers and ringawera are gearing up for one of the most important events in the history of Tukorehe Marae.
This week (July 31 to August 4), the Waitangi Tribunal will hear the Ngāti Tukorehe treaty claims.
This hearing is a culmination of years of hard work and Ngāti Tukorehe spokesperson Kelly Bevan recalled the time when Tukorehe lodged their claim and presented a kete with their claim to former MP Doug Kidd, “who grew up in Kuku with the Tukorehe whānau”.
“There was a big contingent of us who attended and lodged our claim, Wai 1913. Many of our well-known people spoke at this hui including ‘Papa Sean’ Ogden. We shall miss him along with all those other kaumātua who were a part of our journey to seek justice.”