I duly had my colonoscopy, which involved sedation providing a 15-20 minute sleep, so light I woke up during it and watched for a time before dozing off again. It was less intrusive than having a tooth filling and then I was off to play tennis. But not before learning that I'd come just in time.
John Key joked that his examination would not come with photos. He's wrong. It will. The specialist will show him photos of his insides afterwards. Assuming he has polyps, this the first, albeit not always inevitable step towards bowel cancer, the photos will show his pink flesh with little white dots, or if they have been there long enough, dark wart-like growths, these photos taken before they have nipped them off for examination.
Subsequently, I've had regular colonoscopies, always producing polyps and, more important, have become a proselytiser for the tests, regaling everyone over 40 and, in the process, saving many lives. But not all.
A well-known Wellington couple succumbed to my sister's ear-bashing and booked themselves in for tests. The wife went first, with her husband scheduled for the following day. She came home with a clean bill of health so he cancelled, dismissing it as nonsense. Six months later, he was dead of bowel cancer.
Read the newspaper obituaries. These are usually of famous people, which mostly means well-off folk who can afford circa $2000. You will regularly read bowel cancer as the cause of death. It angers me, as such people probably looked after themselves but were simply never told of this by doctors.
You can do it a lot cheaper by cutting out the costly anesthetic service. I have two affluent friends who elect to do this, not to save money but because they love watching on the big screen, their own pulsating pink insides and chatting to the specialist.
A few years ago, Helen Clark investigated delivering mass colonoscopies but the cost was prohibitive. That said, there are lots of almost costless options only they are not 100 per cent certain as with colonoscopies.
Note also that bowel cancer affects women almost as much as men. In Sydney last year, I met a New Zealand woman over to visit her 32-year-old daughter who has bowel cancer, but that is highly unusual at that age. But everyone over 45 should get on with this pronto.
I don't know why doctors never mention this to their patients but they don't. For example, in New York in 1999 for the Lewis-Holyfield fight, I was tracked down by a Sydney barrister.
This chap's career had been solely acting for insurance companies in medical claims, in the course of which he had befriended many medical specialists he regularly used as expert witness. None had ever mentioned this but I had and he acted on it and had a colonoscopy. It was just in time and he would have been dead had he not done so. But he was angry that none of his medical friends had ever spoken up. So just tell your doctor to organise it. They'll all agree, which might tempt you to ask why then they hadn't mentioned it.