Amplify in its current format was launched in 2022 and replaces the once-yearly creative industries Amplify grants and quarterly Business Boost funding previously offered by Whanganui & Partners.
Bugden said the music industry Amplify grants were focused on the infrastructure that supports live music in Whanganui.
“Having a thriving music industry supports our local creatives engaged in music, boosts our hospitality and visitor industries, and creates opportunities for growth and investment in this area.
“Whanganui’s creative industry is vitally important to our national and international perception as a city of creativity, design, and opportunity. We want to build the infrastructure that supports locals working in this industry, and create opportunities and capability to attract artists and growth.”
Simon Putan, business growth adviser, said Whanganui & Partners would be offering the five music industry Amplify grants in addition to its existing provision.
“If you have a business that needs a boost to progress, Amplify is for you. We want our creatives, agri-businesses, visitor industry operators, and any business with high-growth potential to apply for this funding.”
In the two rounds completed since Amplify was launched late last year, Whanganui & Partners has awarded 13 grants to local businesses. The funding is awarded quarterly and applications remain live for 12 months after their submission.
Music industry applications that are unsuccessful in securing one of the five industry-specific grants will remain eligible for consideration in the standard Amplify rounds following this one-off focused round.
Putan said the grants were used for differing ends by individual businesses but Amplify was designed to boost or sustain organisations in measurable ways.
“We have amazing local businesses bursting with initiative and ideas for growth. Through Amplify we meet and assist lots of motivated and inspired people ready to take action. It’s a great feeling being able to help businesses meet their potential.”
He said businesses might apply for Amplify to enable a specific project to progress, to secure specialist equipment, to establish a new administration system, or to get behind the scenes their work needs. “Every application is distinct and important.”
The provision of funding to help businesses grow and adapt was about investing in Whanganui’s future, Putan said.
Applications should be submitted to by 5pm, May 26. For more information and the terms and conditions for the grants, businesses are encouraged to go to or get in touch with Whanganui & Partners. Amplify grants (