As with the previous year’s survey, the council has taken steps to tackle areas in need of improvement by implementing an action plan. Some of the initiatives from 2022 are still relevant and will be carried forward into the current year. Completed actions include the establishment of an outdoor gym along the riverfront, the installation of a new public toilet in Upokongaro, and having community initiatives shape the development of the upcoming Long-Term Plan.
“The survey suggests that long-term under-investment in our open spaces, parks and playgrounds may be contributing to decreased satisfaction. The open spaces are maintained to a set standard, and perhaps this standard needs to be better resourced. The council will look at improving services and will seek community input on these through the Long-Term Plan process,” says Langford.
The survey indicated the need for easier access to council information. A refresh of the council’s website is planned, along with improvements to digital services and customer experience.
Langford pointed out the high level of confidence if there was to be an emergency.
“Seeing 91 per cent of the community indicating that they could survive for at least three days in an emergency without outside assistance is really encouraging. This is what a resilient community looks like.”
Other areas to note were:
70 per cent of residents were satisfied with the contribution that the CBD makes to the lifestyle and image of Whanganui
41 per cent of residents stated that their sense of belonging was either strong or very strong
the performance of the mayor and councillors was up from last year with 34 per cent rating their performance as very good or good
satisfaction with roading, safety at night in the city, and waste services such as litter control and recycling opportunities was down from last year.
The survey, conducted by Versus Research, was promoted online and capped at 510 replies for comparison with past years.
Langford says, “The Community Views Survey is one of a number of tools we use to measure some of the targets set in our Long-Term Plan 2021-2031 – and to understand how we’re performing.”
Read all the results of the survey on the council website: