None have chair or deputy chair roles.
Mayor Andrew Tripe revealed the committee structures last month but official confirmation was delayed until this week’s council meeting due to the need for “a few tweaks”.
He receives $149,641 per year as mayor.
In the 2021-2022 financial year, then Whanganui mayor Hamish McDouall was paid $141,000.
Vinsen (aspirations and future projects), Kate Joblin (strategy and policy) and Duncan (operations and performance and chief executive’s performance review) are all committee chairs.
Tripe said he recommended a 12-month review of the committee structure instead of a midterm (18 months) review.
“In a year we’ll have some water under the bridge and we’ll know how it’s going,” Tripe said.
According to a report from council interim democracy services manager Anna Palamountain, the committee structure for 2022-2025 was workshopped with councillors on November 9 and the job size of each committee was discussed.
That discussion informed the ratios used to calculate the remuneration for councillors with various roles.
Once adopted, the governance structure and supporting remuneration will be submitted for approval by the Remuneration Authority.
Councillor Josh Chandulal-Mackay said the mayor had run an inclusive process when putting the structure together.
“Under the Local Government Act it is actually your [Tripe’s] prerogative to form a structure as you see fit, so to ensure that both old and new councillors were fully involved in what that looks like, and taking the various views around the table into account, has begun the term on a really good note.”
Chandulal-Mackay, the chair of the council-controlled organisations committee, will take home $50,110 per year.
Tripe said he was happy for people to push back on him “at any time, on anything”.
“Sometimes things do take a bit more time, and I’m conscious that won’t be starting the committee structure until next year.
“I think it’s important we go on a journey together rather than me just charging ahead.”
Philippa Baker-Hogan receives $49,107 and will be chair of the sport, recreation and wellbeing advisory group and the community funding grants advisory group.
Rob Vinsen chairs the sustainability and waste advisory group and Kate Joblin chairs the safer Whanganui advisory group.
Charlotte Melser (strategy and policy deputy co-chair, Youth Council), Michael Law (operations and performance committee deputy chair) and Glenda Brown (strategy and policy committee deputy co-chair) are on $42,092 per year.
The total remuneration pool is $576,061 per year.
Whanganui District Council committees for 2022-2025
Aspirations and Future Projects - chair Rob Vinsen, deputy chair Andrew Tripe, members Helen Craig, Michael Law, Charlotte Melser, Glenda Brown, Peter Oskam, Ross Fallen
Strategy and Policy - chair Kate Joblin, deputy chairs Glenda Brown and Charlotte Melser, members Andrew Tripe, Helen Craig, all other councillors
Operations and Performance - chair Jenny Duncan, deputy chair Michael Law, members Andrew Tripe, Helen Craig, all other Councillors
Council Controlled Organisations - chair Josh Chandulal-Mackay, deputy chair Rob Vinsen, members Mayor Andrew Tripe, Deputy Mayor Helen Craig, all other councillors
Risk & Assurance - chair independent member Susan Kosmala, deputy chair Kate Joblin, members Andrew Tripe, Jenny Duncan, Josh Chandulal-Mackay, Peter Oskam, Michael Law, plus independent member.
Chief Executive’s Performance Review - chair Jenny Duncan, members Andrew Tripe, Kate Joblin, Josh Chandulal-Mackay, Glenda Brown.
Emergency - chair Andrew Tripe, deputy chair Helen Craig, members Kate Joblin, Jenny Duncan, Josh Chandulal-Mackay.
Regulatory Hearings - chair Independent Commissioner, members Josh Chandulal Mackay, Peter Oskam.