Basically, when you take drugs, you are messing with your brain and that is never a good idea.
I do, however, think that drug dependence should be more of a medical problem than legal problem, but that the laws need to be kept in place for users, to be there as a last resort.
We do need to invest more on prevention and the rehabilitation of people addicted to drugs.
Council frills
I read with interest Denise Lockett's letter (July 10) re: cutting out the frilly bits. While I have some sympathy with her view, it is necessary to remember what the legislated tasks of council are.
The Local Government Act of 2002 has four tasks for council to be responsible for. These are social, economic, environmental and cultural. Unfortunately, whatever your views, some, if not all, of these tasks will contain a portion of what some would describe as frilly.
I am sure many of us will never agree on what these frilly bits are, however we do need to live in an environment that is more than just road, pipes and dog control.
Which raises another issue, when is the flying fox going to be fixed? That's one frilly I can support.
Same waka
Right on the button, Rob Rattenbury (Chronicle, July 12). Although I am a Pākehā New Zealander, I definitely do not consider myself or most other Pākehā Kiwis as white supremacists.
As Rob points out, there are always extremists with hateful and nutty ideas in every society and, unfortunately, a few idiots who accept their extremist ideology and blindly follow them.
We Kiwis are all part of the same multicultural boat and should paddle the waka accordingly.