Following her defeat at the polls, it is fitting to thank Harete Hipango for her efforts on behalf of the Whanganui electorate over the past three years.
Following her defeat at the polls, it is fitting to thank Harete Hipango for her efforts on behalf of the Whanganui electorate over the past three years.
Thank you to Hipango
Following her defeat at the polls, it is fitting to thank Harete Hipango for her efforts on behalf of the Whanganui electorate over the past three years. It must be a challenging electorate given the urban/rural divide. Being in Opposition is also a tough gig.
Haretejoins Bill Tolhurst (1969-72) and Cam Campion (1990-93) as single term National MPs. In recent years Chester Borrows (2005-17) is the only Nat who has managed to get re-elected.
I invite her to expand on her comment on experiencing racism and bigotry, as stated in the Chronicle (News, October 19).
It was very pleasing to see the powerful image of Michael the Archangel and the accompanying prayer in the Chronicle on two occasions, because the picture has so many significant elements and the prayer is truly a prayer for our times. If there is one description that fits 2020 it is "battle", perhaps you could make that picture and prayer a regular feature?
It was especially pleasing to see this example of freedom of speech and freedom of religion assisted by our newspaper, at a time when both are so under attack. In a Christian and free nation such as New Zealand, and some will say it is not Christian any more, expressions of the Christian faith should be commonplace even if you disagree with them. Instead we see attempts to deny Christians a voice in the public square, and people deriding those who speak out on moral issues as being "just Christian" and therefore not worth listening to, whether Christian or not, and whether they are speaking of Christian teachings or not.
*Editor's note: Thank you for your feedback. We should note it was a paid advertisement.
No slice off Pi
Back in 1897 the Indiana state legislature in its house bill #246 set the value of Pi to exactly 3. This of course is a nonsense, legislators cannot change the truth of mathematical truth. Neither can they change the truth of nature, an apple tree will always be an apple tree, nothing else, lightning will always be lightning, nothing else, and a fetus inside a woman will always be human.
The Abortion Amendment Bill 2020 is a repeat of Indiana 1897, utter nonsense.
TONY HORE Whanganui
Our share of gas
It is not correct to split the Whanganui total emissions of greenhouse gases between just the population of Whanganui (Greenhouse gas - 19.3 tonnes each, Chronicle, October 6). Most of the products from sheep and cattle feed people overseas. Many hundreds of thousands around the world. Allowance should be made for this.
Leaders' debate
Re US leaders clash: Trump was surprisingly nimble, and Biden displayed enough horsepower to warrant a high degree of respect.
It has to be a terrific challenge to participate in such a debate.