Coal use a concern
Perusing the Chronicle (World News, September 30), I came upon a frightening statistic under the headlines "Power cuts halt factories, threaten supply chains", "Outages in China trigger shutdowns", that would make every greenie have a meltdown. And there it was, the reason given was the "surging prices for coal and gas".
But written in the article was the staggering amount of coal being used to fire their many coal-fired power stations. The statement said China burns 11.3 million tons of coal every two weeks, which would equate to more than 290 million tons of coal burned each year. The emissions entering into the atmosphere must be horrendous.
This is what the greenies of New Zealand should be addressing instead of trying to blame the people of New Zealand for the world's pollution problems. But no, they will continue on because New Zealand is such an easy target.
What I wonder is, how much is this pollution contributing to global warming compared with farting cows?
Whanganui East
Goodbye to freedoms
I have decided to help out those poor anti-vaxxers that everyone is so down on.
I am collecting paper bags for them to put over their heads when the borders open, so they won't be able to see what's coming.
I am also preparing a glossy leaflet with suggested bending exercises, to put in their letterboxes, so they will find it easier in the future to kiss their so-called freedoms goodbye. Hope this helps!
Durie Hill
Thank you GOME
Kakatahi School was kindly gifted a voucher for $500 from Grumpy Old Men Enterprises. We were very excited when we received our package of activities and goodies from Paper Plus. We can't wait to open and investigate the boxes.
Thank you so much. Ngā mihi nui ki a GOME.