Following that positive result, there will be wide consultation with the community, including a velodrome-only public forum scheduled for Wednesday, March 31, 5.30pm to 7pm in the War Memorial Hall.
Public submissions in support of this project will be important, prior to the council adopting the 2022-2031 10-Year Plan in late May 2021, at which time it will need to decide if it commits to roofing the velodrome or not and the amount of capital funding to set aside, to push the go button.
Chair, Sport & Recreation Working Party
Police intelligence gathering
Congratulations to the two women who took their teenagers to the police station to request an apology following their police photo shoot (Chronicle, March 10).
If the story is accurate, they are entitled to receive an apology from the Commissioner of Police, in my opinion.
The safety of our communities depends on accurate, appropriate, police intelligence gathering and a harmonious relationship between police and communities as a basis for policing by consent.
Random, intrusive, apparently unwarranted, mugshots in public of two young people with brown skins who happened to be waiting outside a Cash Converters shop will erode trust and achieve the opposite of the intentions of Commissioner Coster.
The term "Police Intelligence", applied in this instance, might provide a new example of "oxymoron".