How is it that after what appears to be years of indecision we have a rotting track surface, and an "alternative design" that falls well short of being a top-class multi-purpose facility?
I have been advised that the "alternative design" resembles a tin shearing shed. With so many poles down the middle it makes it unfit for the purpose it was designed for and deserves to be for the people of Whanganui and the region.
Whanganui District Council please explain!
Surely we deserve better than this? [Abridged]
Stop this tie nonsense
To tie or not to tie.
Why's that a question?
By its very name a tie's a restriction,
The expectation of men in a suit.
But women just don't give a hoot,
If representation's the name of the game,
Surely MPs should dress just the same,
As their constituents who can't afford,
a suit or even a tie, store bought,
Op shopping is their only option,
Not even necessities on limited incomes,
poverty inflicted by those in power,
nest-feathering themselves hour by hour,
time to concentrate on the workers you guys,
stop this nonsense re the wearing of ties,
We expect you to instigate what you promised,
improve the lives of the poor and the homeless,
That miracle was enacted once before,
by a unique Labour government of yore,
with our own bank providing incomes and homes,
without the huge debt of foreign bank loans,
they conquered the effects of worldwide recession,
creating a successful, productive nation,
I challenge you, try it Jacinda,
create for your legacy as an equal Aotearo-a.