Americans should be leading the world by showing responsibility in the time of Covid, a reader says. Photo / File
Americans should be leading the world by showing responsibility in the time of Covid, a reader says. Photo / File
US "idiot faction" amid Covid
I hear of many worldwide, and particularly in the US (where vote-counting is still ongoing as I write), demanding "freedom" to go where they will, when they will. Scary how that idiot faction, especially in the "land of the free" is making the wrong call. I suggest the call from the American public at this time of the pandemic, should be to demand "responsibility". They can be "free" afterwards, when Covid-19 has stopped killing so many innocent citizens. America, the world looks upon you as the Land of Opportunity. It is an accolade historically well-earned. Please continue to be worthy example of that great honour in this difficult time for the planet. STAN HOOD Aramoho
Imagine Donald Trump and Joe Biden having a game of tennis to decide who would become President. Trump wins the first set 6-0. It's best of 5. A long slog ahead. Trump takes the second set 6-2 and seems very confident and sure of himself. The third set goes to 6-6 and so goes to a tiebreak. Joe edges this one 10-8. It's now 2 sets to 1 in favour of the President but he's starting to question decisions made by the umpire and the line judges. Donald comes out blazing in the early stages of the fourth opening up a seemingly unassailable 5 games to nil lead. But patient Joe maintains his composure and fights back winning 7 straight games and the fourth set. Donald is now screaming that he thinks the tennis net isn't high enough. They're tied at 2 sets all. The fifth begins. It looks like it's all over as Joe races into a 5-0 lead. But Donald has different ideas. He stops playing and demands the game ends. His rationale: "I've already won. I won all those points. That first set should be good enough for you." He continues: "Or even at the end of the second set. In fact I think all the points I've lost so far should be replayed. Just the ones I didn't win. I'm reasonably happy with the other ones. Why? Because it's obvious to anyone that those points are invalid and probably illegal. "How do I know that? Because I didn't win them." PEARSE KINCHELLA Whanganui