The velodrome roofing debate rages on. Photo / file
The velodrome roofing debate rages on. Photo / file
No to white elephant
George Maclachlan (letters, January 25) commends councillor Josh Chandulal-Mackay for his stand on the velodrome roofing issue (oh, for more councillors with his wisdom). This letter is timely, and I support the writer's views.
To those councillors who are vigorously pushing for the roofing of thevelodrome, I, on behalf of many ratepayers, would ask for more awareness of the heavy burden we already bear in meeting some of the highest rates in New Zealand.
We do not have bottomless financial buckets to satisfy "wish lists" of councillors.
Feasibility studies are of no moment in the face of a potential white elephant. V MEREDITH Whanganui
Your letters
Let's get on with it
The time has come to stop all the toing and froing regarding the velodrome update. It's time the people of Whanganui were asked again their thoughts on the reconstruction and modification to our velodrome.
Come on council, let's get on with the project.
Look what happened with the original project. It was the same indecision that we lost an incredible income facility for our city.
Take a look at Cambridge now. You can't move for all the people using the velodrome that should have been ours.
It is also very upsetting that the team has raised several thousands of dollars to undertake all the required technical requirements to begin and finally finish the project.
This has not cost the ratepayers anything yet our council is spending probably hundreds of thousands of dollars of our hard-earned rates to undertake employing special consultants to carry out the same technical requirements and research that have already been done by the team.
We can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on city cycleways yet we can't decide on this project.
Come on let's get this fantastic project under way if not today, then tomorrow, will be fine. Let's give Leigh, Bob and their team our support and stop all the procrastinating and get it under way.
Come on the best city in New Zealand, Whanganui, let's make it even better, and all get behind this understated and great project. GRAEME PLEASANTS Whanganui