My history tells me that in certain circumstances te reo Māori would have been the first language here in Aotearoa. Photo / file
My history tells me that in certain circumstances te reo Māori would have been the first language here in Aotearoa. Photo / file
Too much Māori language?
Is there too much Māori language being broadcast on TVNZ? I don't think so.
My history tells me that in certain circumstances te reo Māori would have been the first language here in Aotearoa.
In 1847 a Royal Charter was received by Governor Grey. The NewZealand Government Act would have given the tangata whenua full citizenship and voting rights.
It was promptly suspended by Governor Grey on the grounds Māori were not ready or capable of participating in such a process.
On that day the Treaty of Waitangi became null and void and should really be re-negotiated today. And then truly honoured and tribal lands returned to the rightful occupants.
Then te reo Māori would really flourish as it should. I roto i nga mita katoa [With all its variations] After all "We once were poets!" Nga moteatea would then become our pathway back to our "Taha Wairua". Ne?
Your letters
TV news under fire
May I take this opportunity to comment on the disgusting programming displayed by TVNZ on 1 News at 6pm on Saturday, March 13.
One must question the rationale that decides that a yacht race is of more import than the country's grief over the mosque shootings 2 years ago. Fifty-one people died and another 40 were injured, some of whom will live with their injuries for the rest of their lives.
This is appalling and those responsible for programming are a disgrace to all New Zealanders. I would love to see resignations by those concerned but I will not hold my breath.
I am ashamed to be associated by nationality to these people.
Various groups in our country are screaming for apologies left, right and centre at every conceivable chance, so let's see the same passion applied here.