I think the Treaty of Waitangi was the ultimate Trojan Horse. Photo / file
I think the Treaty of Waitangi was the ultimate Trojan Horse. Photo / file
The ultimate Trojan Horse
A breath of fresh air from Max Warburton in Saturday's Chronicle ("Arrogance of 'I know'", Letters, August 29).
I can't help but endorse those views. And take this opportunity to add some of what I think I know.
I think the Treaty of Waitangi was theultimate Trojan Horse. And that it is still fulfilling that role.
The very small bit of so-called Māori land that has my name on the title recently changed from "Absolute ownership" to fee simple. Neither of which demonstrates any kind of the justice that I would like to see.
It is just another modern manifestation of the Mururaupatu (the unjust confiscation of our tribal estates). And we are informed that there were two parties involved in that process.
But there are many different Māori tribes here in Aotearoa. All of whom were once fiercely independent. And all of whom should have had a member in the first Parliament.
Ah, what a great country we would have today if justice had been served there and then. There would have been absolutely no kind of partnership.
Pākehā would have been told "You get on with your business and we will get on with ours".
So why do Pākehā get away with being all sorts of people but Māori must be one.
And with the great melting pot in full swing throughout the world, and Western civilisation teetering on destruction in the US of A, why are so many Māori hell bent on worshipping money and assimilating ourselves? Oh well. It's all good entertainment for an 80-plus koroua.
Fair means or foul
A Chronicle article says "US officials say no evidence of Russian interference in mail-in voting" (World, August 28). I would suggest it's too early to say.
The problem is the style of mail-in voting being pushed by the Democrats, no ID needed, anyone can fill in the form and send it in, allowing vote harvesting. This is a system used in corrupt countries because it is so easy to manipulate.
The preferred system is called absentee voting, you fill in a form, name, address, sex, age and sign it, you get a voting form in the mail, you fill it in send it back in the envelope supplied, sign the back of the envelope so the signature can be checked against the one on the file.
Your letters
The Democrats used to vigorously oppose the system they are now pushing.
They thought they had it cooked for Hillary but were so over-confident they were slack, they said Donald Trump is a million-to-one chance of winning, and in their emails said even if he does win we have a back-up plan, which was impeachment. They failed with that too, but they tried, it was an attempted coup. Hillary called those that voted for Trump the deplorables ...
If they had a genuine desire for a fair election they would be pushing absentee voting - they are not, proving they intend to win by fair means or foul. [Abridged]