A reader takes umbrage at what he sees as interference of some religious groups around the euthanasia referendum. Photo / file
A reader takes umbrage at what he sees as interference of some religious groups around the euthanasia referendum. Photo / file
Stop religious interference
I believe in free speech and democracy. I have served in the New Zealand Army, New Zealand Police, was a representative on a local authority, worked and advocated for disabled people and groups.
But I am saddened and appalled at the shabby interference and marketing from someNew Zealand religious groups in the upcoming End of Life Choice Bill referendum.
I have no problems with signs going up marketing a No Vote to the End of Life Choice Bill, that is democracy. But I'm appalled at the grubby inference to some aspects of the pending Bill. Not wasting my time pointing out their arrogance or suggesting they get a copy of the current Bill. Clearly they have embarked on a well-funded shabby marketing campaign which is seriously flawed. In my view those churches who paid for "misleading and distorted" information on billboards need to look at their conscience and wasting their parishioners' money. I'm surprised they are trying to interfere in the lives of people with a terminal illness who only want the "choice" to end their lives. They already have the "choice" to pray to their God if they have one and so choose.
I am sure the public at large will see this campaign for what it is, religious interference in the lives of others.
Re Mike Philo's letter criticising the letter defending the Green School proposal (Letters, September 15):
Of all the very valuable aspects of a Green-orientated education, he alights on the topic of silica crystal, sometimes used in biodynamic farming; easy meat of course, especially when attacked with a great deal of scientific jargon. (Where Einstein's theory of relativity contributes to his argument I do not know).
The fact is that there are various traditional farming methods, long understood, that are far superior to the drastic, soil structure destroying, chemical overloading techniques used today.
A Green School would advocate and teach a holistic approach to farming and horticulture which would take into consideration the future use of the beautiful, rich Taranaki soil we are so fortunate to have.
It would supplement and reiterate some of the already forward thinking techniques being employed by some farmers in the district. For example, conversion of a dairy farm to organic quinoa production: or extended riparian planting all along the Kapuni Stream ... It is easy to cast cynical aspersions. The establishment of a Green School would be a very valuable addition to Taranaki's education system. [Abridged]
'Construction of key words'
"It is a construction of key words aligned with Jacinda Ardern." ("Hipango defends posting Ardern misquote", News, September 25)
Ok, let me get this, you are not quoting Ms Ardern, you are making up another sentence using some words she has used, implying that these words are hers and give us her intended meaning ...
"The mirroring technique of language clearly demonstrates the correlation and association by word construction." Where do you get stuff like this! What is demonstrated here is gobbledygook not befitting anybody wanting to be a Member of Parliament where I would have thought the ability to speak clearly in public, in the House and before constituents and committees would be a desirable characteristic. [Abridged]