This problem could be fixed in a week at chicken feed cost if only we could send our engineers off for a week's holiday.
When I asked about likely life span of the bridge I was told that it is indefinite if the bridge is maintained. It is an iconic engineering marvel that ought to be treasured rather than replaced.
Māori ward facts
If ever there was a classic example of media bias it has to be the headlines of today's Chronicle "Support for Māori wards 'overwhelming'" (May 18). This headline rates alongside Trump's best efforts before, during and after the US presidential election in terms of fake news!
A fine act exists these days whereby throwing figures and percentages seem to bear factual proof to support the headlines ...
Let's look at the stated real facts: 18,500 persons on the Māori roll were mailed to vote on the issue of Māori wards. Of those mailed only 1649 responded ... Far short of "overwhelming" in my mind.
We then get another "wow factor" report that 95.5 per cent of the responses from Māori on either the Māori or general roll want Māori wards. Bear in mind that the question was only posted to those on the Māori roll. However, it was shown on the regional council website and 170 non-Māori responded with over half not wanting Māori wards.
I am sorry, but one does not need to be a brain surgeon to see that this survey has been reported in a totally nonsensical manner designed to mislead the public.
We live in a democratic society and if Māori want representation on our council let them earn it through the due process. Who cares what Hamish McDouall wants, let the Whanganui population decide. To do otherwise is racist.