A white pigeon sitting on a pine tree branch. Photo / file
A white pigeon sitting on a pine tree branch. Photo / file
'Tis the season
Re: Wood is good (Advertisement, The Country, Chronicle, September 10). I read the article. It became very apparent the author didn't suffer from hayfever or allergies, like many Whanganui folk do.
Our property borders on a forestry block of mature pines. Every year for two months Isuffer from severe sinus issues due to the pine pollen. It actually makes me really sick - I have at least one visit to our GP during pollination time.
We own our property, we love it here, before people think "move", it's not an option!
Whanganui has just had the worst dusting of this yellow crap in the 10 years we have lived here. People do suffer, it becomes a respiratory issue due to the volume of pollen in the air.
Judith Robinson (Letters, September 9): Thank you for your compassionate response to the live cattle export ship tragedy.
These - nearly 6000 - animals were gentle creatures, designed to live on the land.
I can barely imagine the terror of the frightening slow death - many still trapped inside their crates, of the typhoon and the ship sinking.
It is beyond time for New Zealand to cease live animal exports.
Your letters
A line in the sand
Re the velodrome rejuvenation: "Shovel ready grants" (not a loan) are dedicated funds for specific projects provided by government to stimulate employment and economic stability. It cannot be rerouted for housing the homeless and roads etc ...
Where is the consistent public promo material that the Sarjeant deservedly got? Why is all the thousands of dollars that is going into public education information advertising just from the small group of volunteers?
Demolishing costs, a roof only, or a full stadium, all come with financial risk and the report will cover this, provided that the terms of reference are equally competent to the consultant's expertise, and allows the private consultant full freedom to equally comment on at least a roof or stadium.
The multi-purpose (and major employment for ongoing services) stadium idea is relatively new. No doubt council management would be assessing the significant infrastructure needed to cope and that the two latter options are not a continual millstone around ratepayer necks.
The council's annual Community Survey assessment of councillors was just 55 per cent in 2019. No survey done in 2020? If communication clearly needs to improve, the velodrome after over so many years of various council buck passing (and nine reports), deserves a better update than simply "awaiting the report".