Connection of Fitzherbert Rd to Mosston Rd will add to the traffic. Photo / File
Connection of Fitzherbert Rd to Mosston Rd will add to the traffic. Photo / File
More room for cyclists please
Can we please have wide shoulders on Montgomery and Mosston Rds?
There is plenty of room. These two roads are now a major heavy traffic and commuter highway. If the port development goes ahead the plan is to carry 50,000 cubic metres of shellrock tothe north mole.
Connection of Fitzherbert Rd to Mosston Rd will add to the traffic.
Recreational cyclists and schoolchildren cycle these roads with only a lane line and edge break between them and the grass.
Opposing trucks take up both lanes, even cars have trouble allowing the one and a half metres recommended while staying in their lane. The 60km/h limit has helped.
Of course, a dedicated cycleway would be best and safest.
Your letters
Slippery slope
Rob Rattenbury's take on the End of Life Choice Bill (Opinion, August 24) was, in my view, pretty shameful.
Surely, the kindest thing that can be done for one who is terminally ill is to ease their pain and surround them with loving family and friends, as far as possible, and affirm their value as a member of the human race and their contribution to society.
If the bill is passed, no matter how stringent the limitations are to allow assisted suicide, only a fool would deny that, with time, those limitations will creep and become more liberal. Eventually the terminally ill could be just put down at will, like a sick animal.
That is not a legacy I wish to leave my grandchildren.
Precious commodity
For those supporting assisted suicide, could I make a request? That they go to their local cemetery and find a soldier who has fallen in battle, or spent years in a private hell from thoughts they can't escape, or lost an arm or a leg, an eye. Address them by name and tell them you are in favour of an End of Life Bill after the elections.
Contemplate what they have been through, then try to explain to them why you believe in the Bill and they wouldn't. Considering the number of suicides were substantially below what they are today, perhaps we might reconsider what such a death is costing us.
Like Rob Rattenbury, this is a world to live in as comfortably as possible. Once this country legalises suicide, as we have legalised the death of so many unborn, no law can stand since the most precious of commodities, life, has been forfeited to those without hope.