Feeling enriched
I was somewhat disappointed and upset (and perhaps a little annoyed) at the negative letter from Grey Power (May 24). Why do some people be so negative when in every situation there are positive thoughts.
I am very happy and feel privileged as a senior to receive NZ Superannuation. The increase on April 1 each year is given to all beneficiaries and this year was the biggest increase. Also, there's the Winter Energy Payment so I got an increase of $80 a fortnight.
As an individual, I feel enriched.
People have different needs and spend their money differently and there is no "right" way. Don't judge others please. Be happy and surrounded by love.
Take care and stay safe.
Support for the Māori Health Authority
I cannot fathom why the National Party and Act are opposed to the Māori Health Authority, despite 60 non-government organisations (to name just a few ... Cancer Society, Hospice, Mental Health, Stroke Society, College of Surgeons, Nurses Organisation etc) and 433 significant and prominent individuals having written asking them to reconsider their opposition.
Surely these health organisations and individuals know more on health issues and how best they be administered rather than politicians of the National Party and Act.