Steph Lewis delivering her maiden speech to Parliament.
Steph Lewis delivering her maiden speech to Parliament.
Thanks for great maiden speech
As a Whanganui man born and bred I'd like to thank Steph Lewis on her excellent speech in Parliament.
It's my hope though, she doesn't follow centrist policies as the Labour Party seems to be going along with.
The party was born from the povertyand sweat of the striking miners in Blackball. Let us not forget the socialist values these people affirmed too for a more equitable New Zealand.
Let us not forget the great men like John A Lee, Michael Savage and Norm Kirk and their left wing principles. Without a doubt, the Labour Party must stick to its leftist philosophies.
It's a pity that commentators like Rob Rattenbury allow their opinions to be formed from propaganda, it does not allow them to see the train coming down the track, it has happened before, it gave us Hitler and communism.
He blames Trump for the discord in the USA yet it was the "never Trumpers" who started it and have kept it going for four years. They attacked Trump staff and supporters in restaurants, in the streets, and even outside their homes.
Some media have had to take their families into hiding as the disturbances at their homes was too hard for the kids to handle.
Now they want to make lists of Trump staff and supporters, so as to stop them getting jobs. So much for Biden wanting to bring them all together.
The Democrats are power crazy and any means is good, if it means you get power, but it is certainly not democracy.
Oh to have an enlightened press, at the moment we are poorly served, so much so they won't print this.