Whanganui motorists have a propensity to cut corners, a reader says.
Whanganui motorists have a propensity to cut corners, a reader says.
A turn for the worse
Cutting corners - it would be safe to say that we've all done it at some time(s) in our lives, but I'm actually writing about the traffic type, i.e. the ones on roads.
It seems to me that Whanganui motorists have a propensity to cutcorners and age has no bearing on the sort of drivers guilty of this hazardous action.
In my neck of the woods (Castlecliff) there is one particular street where I daily observe it frequently happening. Cars and motorbikes turning right from Manuka St into Aotea St invariably cut the corner at the risk of hitting whatever is on that side of the road, be it a child, adult, someone's pet or another vehicle.
And to make matters worse, the driver is usually exceeding the speed limit so has no chance to stop in time to avoid an accident.
My purpose in writing is to remind drivers to keep left even if you are turning right into a street.
DOUG PRICE Castlecliff
God bless you
The metal band that mocks Frank Bar + Eatery for having standards and beliefs that differ from their own would no doubt get a very different press had they been mocking gay people or Muslims (Bulletband shooting through town, News, October 19).
Somehow respect is required for certain groups, but can be completely omitted in the case of Christian beliefs.
I am certain there was no panic amongst the owners at Frank, simply an unwillingness to promote something that goes totally against their standards.
Well done for standing up for what you believe, may God bless you for your faithfulness to Him.
God help all of us
It's gotta be a gag! Joe Biden for President of the USA? Back page headline in the Whanganui Chronicle today (October 21), Desperate Trump goes after Dr Fauci? Deja vu, as I predicted in 2016 in this very paper.
Americans elected Donald J Trump as their President. The only president who actually knew what he was doing since JFK.
So again I say, "God help America" and all the rest of us. Why?. The losers will all want to come here. Take heed Māori people. Go back to your papakāinga as Te Whiti o Rongomai advised.
Those sheep and cattle who have more rights than us will be gone and there will be a Pākehā living there.