New plan old-school
As a retired teacher, I viewed the National Party’s Education Plan and, if by chance, they became the next government, came to the conclusion we had better dig up all the old pens and nibs and the desks with holes in the corner to place the ink wells... oh, almost forgot, and the blotters.
Increasing costs unaffordable
Well, the front page of the Chronicle (March 22) reveals there are large increases in property valuations in Whanganui. So, what does this mean? It means all of us ratepayers are going to be asked to pay a lot more in rates, right?
This comes on top of the huge increase in the cost of living prices that we are now forced to pay. Some sympathy has to be granted to those of us on a fixed income who are being asked to pay the increased costs - and let’s not forget the council wants to add about another $134-plus per year to fund the kerbside recycling.
Where is this going to end? Could it be that there will be a lot of folk struggling with costs out there who just simply won’t be able to continue living in this town? Does this council really care about our citizens?
TV news drops the ball
What the hell is wrong with this country when the lead item on the 6pm news is the appointment of the new All Blacks coach? We have huge issues after Cyclone Gabrielle and global greenie issues, not to mention the escalation of juvenile ram-raiding crime. But no... rugby is continuing its religious hold on the brain-dead fans who cannot see past their dedication to a dying sport which is becoming farcical to all those who have a realistic outlook on life.