A Silver birch tree is causing problems in Burton Ave for one Chronicle reader. Photo / file
A Silver birch tree is causing problems in Burton Ave for one Chronicle reader. Photo / file
Burton Ave traffic hazard
Yesterday a team of tree fellers travelled around Whanganui East pruning trees on the berms.
Great job, but a very large silver birch on the corner of Burton Ave and Hackett St was obviously deemed to be satisfactory in terms of whatever criteria these lads wereworking to and was left untouched.
Today a team of "street light" warriors turned up and installed a flash looking light on the corner previously mentioned. So, what's the problem you may well ask. Well, I will tell you.
The light has been positioned actually touching the branches of the tree thus ensuring that any light produced projects a limited arc but may serve as a homing beacon for birds resident in the tree after an evening of eating fermenting grapes.
To add insult to injury the lamp post has a "Bus Stop" sign attached. Any bus stopping there will protrude across the width of Burton Ave thus creating a traffic hazard.
I assume that the council will provide a 'stop/go' operator (at a minimum wage of $20 plus per hour) to comply with the multitude of regulations that have replaced common sense in the namby-pamby, politically-correct environment that has been created by a bunch of recently birthed experts. However, that is a separate issue.
Come on fellow disgruntled citizens, let's make our feelings known on the multiple issues that face us and our community. Letters to the editor is a great place to start.
The headline says it all, "The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun".
That was the headline in the Washington Post, followed by the statement; "The effort to impeach President Donald John Trump is already underway."
It was published January 21, 2017, the day after President Donald Trump was inaugurated, and pointed out that efforts to oppose him, block him, use legal challenges against everything he did, and to impeach him, were already in action as he took the oath of office on January 20.
The actions of Democrats and their organisations ever since have been proof of their love of political power and their lack of interest in the needs of American citizens. As we see the beginning of a second absurd impeachment attempt, we should all feel sorry for the US, now they have these Democrats pulling all the strings of power.