Whakapapa & Whanaungatanga
Recognising projects that established, grew and enhanced relationships between patients, family/whānau and WDHB staff. Joint winners: Haumoana Service and Starship Shared Care Agreement
Tino Rangatiratanga
Recognising projects that focus on co-design, information and consent.
Light Youth
Recognising projects that aim to make a WDHB service user-friendly, with a focus on the user. Joint winners: Paediatric DNA Project and Up-front Booking System
Wairuatanga & Mauri
Recognising projects that demonstrate supporting and walking alongside our patients and whānau of all cultures. Acknowledging and respecting the values and beliefs of our patients, families and WDHB colleagues.
Wellness Friday
Emerging Leaders
Recognising WDHB staff who have shown leadership in areas like equity, quality improvement, patient safety and improving the experience of care for our patients.
Shane Brown
Shirley O'Rourke Memorial Award
Recognising non-clinical WDHB staff/volunteers who through their work, make a positive difference to the people around them. Christie King
Tikanga Māori
Recognising projects that demonstrate new guidelines and protocols related to cultural best practice. Lymph Node Biopsy Pathway
Manaakitanga & Mana Tangata
Recognising projects that support diversity and maintain the dignity (mana) of patients and their whānau. Upholding professional standards, maintaining their own mana as well as the mana of the WDHB, and improving equity in health outcomes.
Highly Commended: Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP) Service
Winner: Close Care With Dignity
Rangimarie & Aroha
Recognising projects that share information in simple language that patients and their family-whānau understand. Influencing a wide range of people with different realities and life experiences. Highly Commended: Relapse Prevention, Winner: Cancer Follow-Up Booklets
Recognising projects that demonstrate improved collaboration and integrative ways of working to achieve improved outcomes.
Highly Commended: Garden to Plate
Winner: Wellbeing Model
Chief Executive's Award
For an outstanding contribution to the reputation of the WDHB.
Centre for Patient Safety and Service Quality
Te Rangatira Award
Leadership, visionary, passionate, caring and commitment.
Chief executive Julie Patterson
The awards ceremony was a significant occasion for the winners and for WDHB chief executive Julie Patterson who leaves the DHB on Friday, October 20 following her nine years leadership.
Mrs Patterson presented a number of the awards to winners before she herself was presented with the Te Rangatira Award in recognition of her leadership and for her being visionary, passionate, caring and committed.
The evening also included the launch of the internationally renowned Speaking Up For Safety (SUFS) programme designed to strengthen safety, quality and consistency in the workplace by encouraging and enabling staff to speak up when they see positive actions staff are making for patient safety.
Or, if they see issues or behaviours believed to be compromising the WDHB's commitment to provide the safest possible environment and culture for our patients and staff.
The Speaking Up For Safety programme was developed by the Cognitive Institute - part of the not-for-profit Medical Protection Society. More specifically, it was developed by clinicians to build a high-performance culture of safety, quality and consistency.
The WDHB views SUFS as the next step in continuing to strengthen, the organisation's safety and quality culture.