Members of the Whanganui Floral Art Group plan to set up their traditional Mother's Day stall at the River Traders market in Taupo Quay on Saturday, May 7. For the past few years the group has provided flower posies to be sold for Mother's Day. These inexpensive and colourful gifts are always in great demand and give joy to market shoppers and hopefully to lots of mothers. All members of the club have been involved in the picking of plant material, preparing the containers and producing the posies as well as selling them at the market stall.
As well as the boost to club funds from this annual fundraiser, the Floral Art Group has been able to donate a portion of the profit to a local charity, including the Cancer and Plunket societies.
The club meets once a month on the first Tuesday at the Riverside Church hall in Mathieson St at 5.30 pm. All meetings include demonstrations or hands-on learning activities and there is a competitive bench for those who want to extend their skills. New members are always welcome.
Classes for beginners and the more advanced are held during the year. Even if you don't want to join the Floral Art Group as a member, you are still invited to join a class. Contact president Debra (027 636 1895) if you are interested.