6. Whanganui District Council’s Youth Council is a collective of rangatahi of what age?
7. What is the name of the Whanganui Resource Recovery Centre’s education room?
8. What was the amazing find earlier this year by workers replacing a 113-year-old wastewater system in Whanganui East?
9. Durie Hill School, which marks 150 years at Labour weekend, began as a school by what name?
10. Name the Whanganui-based animal advocate who made an extended trip to India this year?
Quiz Answers
1. Kevin Ross, former Whanganui District Council chief executive.
2. More — around 620.
3. Along a safe passage of the Whanganui River between the Cobham Bridge and the harbour basin. Recently there have calls to renew the markers.
4. Steve Treloar.
5. Paloma has a 5-star rating and Bason is a 4-star garden.
6. 12-24 years.
7. The Harakeke Room.
8. Totora which was estimated to be about 4575 years old.
9. Mars Hill School in 1873. The school building was moved to Durie Hill in 1911.
10. Sandra Kyle.
Six correct — good; 8 — very good; 10 — genius!