The Edgecombe and Du Preez families at Whanganui Seaside Holiday Park. Photo / Bevan Conley
The Edgecombe and Du Preez families at Whanganui Seaside Holiday Park. Photo / Bevan Conley
Camping sites across the Whanganui District are packed to the rafters this week, as hundreds of out-of-towners and locals alike choose Whanganui as their summer holiday destination.
At the Whanganui Seaside Holiday Park, in Castlecliff, families have pitched tents and hired cabins as they prepare to welcome in the NewYear.
For the Edgecombe clan, they decided to make the trek from Masterton after first camping in Castlecliff two years ago.
"We came here two years ago because it was the only place that had a site left," Greg Edgecombe said.
"We've come back because we really enjoyed it here."
"It's lovely here. You're not on the sea but you're right by the sea. You can go fishing and swimming, you can head into town if it's a wet day, there's a park for the kids. It's just so handy," Greg's wife Julianne said.
"The site here is really impressive. It's clean, it's tidy and it's one of those hidden treasures."
Also heading on the trip was the family fridge-freezer, loaded and set up inside the tent.
The Taylors took up the ownership of the ground earlier this year, and said their first summer in their new lifestyle was going to plan.
"We wanted a change of lifestyle. We had an IT company in Wellington and we were living in Otaki. Bruce was commuting on the sports bike every day," Diane said.
"We came across this place, and it really stood out. I'd never heard of Kai Iwi until February."
Diane said she understands why the spot is so popular.
"I think people really like it here. There's the beach, plenty of space and it's very family oriented. We're really lucky."