Cheatley is a former Olympian and Commonwealth cyclist and now owns local businesses Cycle Sport NZ and Velo Ronny’s Bicycle Store.
She is also an advocate for getting people into cycling and has created several events aimed at boosting the city’s participation in the sport, including the Awa Cross series and the Bike Wise Month ‘Tour de Whanganui’.
At the launch of the series, she will share her experiences and insights from professional sports, business and advocacy work.
“Partnering with Sport Whanganui felt like a good fit given the work that the team has been doing to promote governance skills and capacity across our community,” Donson said.
Sport Whanganui women and girls’ lead Dinelle Saunders said the kaupapa of the series was about connecting the community through knowledge-sharing and networking in a friendly, social environment.
“We are excited to bring this event to life to support not only our sports community, but to help facilitate those connections which are so important for women and girls to inspire each other to succeed,” she said.
The series will launch on Tuesday, September 19; a date chosen to coincide with the 130th anniversary of women’s suffrage in Aotearoa New Zealand.
“The extraordinary efforts of our suffragists is an important legacy to fulfil to ensure that all women and girls have the right to full participation in all aspects of life,” Donson said.
“Whanganui is rich with success, innovation and courage, and I’m excited that Women Who Lead gives us an opportunity to celebrate that,” she said.
The family-friendly launch will be held from 5.30pm to 7pm in the Ammo Room at The Barracks Sports Bar.