I spent a long day in Taranaki recently, the least fun I've ever had in that beautiful region. Along with a busload of other Whanganui folk, I was on a guided tour of oil and gas well sites in southern Taranaki led by local affected landowners. I was alarmed by what I saw and heard.
We can't afford to think of unconventional oil and gas exploration (including fracking) as a Taranaki issue that doesn't affect us here.
In June this year, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment produced a comprehensive report, which concluded that government oversight and regulation of oil and gas production in New Zealand is not adequate for managing the environmental risks of the industry.
The report warned we could see wells begin to proliferate across the countryside. That includes the East Coast Basin area that stretches from Hawke's Bay to Manawatu.
You may know that you don't own the minerals under your land: ownership is claimed by the Crown, which sells the right to extract them. But did you know that you do not have the right to stop a company holding a permit to drill for oil or gas from coming on to your land to construct a well site?