From Pakaraka Rd to Whenuakura Pa - the new Waverley Community Patrol car can take on rural roads and support the town's only police officer, Constable Darren Barrow.
The community patrol group started in 2009. It has had two cars, secretary and funding co-ordinator Pauline Costello said, a Toyota Corolla and a Toyota Spacio. Last month it took ownership of a "brand spanking new" Suzuki Vitara.
"We wanted an all-wheel-drive vehicle, because we also do a lot of rural roads."
The team had saved $12,000 toward a new vehicle, but nearly half the $35,000 cost was a grant from the TSB Community Trust. It is the first year in which Waverley people can apply to the Taranaki-based trust rather than the Whanganui Community Foundation.
The new car has been signwritten, connects to police radio and has amber flashing lights across its roof with sidelights attached to help the volunteers see in the dark.