Fighters will square off on April 28 at Springvale Stadium.
Headgear is worn in the ring, and each round is two minutes long.
Entrants are matched up against people of similar height, weight, and experience to themselves.
Springvale Stadium was packed to the rafters for the 2021 event. Photo / Mike Tweed
“If they run out of energy, we might be able to cut it down to 1.5-minute rounds,” Tofa said.
The previous corporate nights, in 2021 and 2022, were full to capacity.
“The last one was a lot better than the first, and we are learning more and more as we go along,” Tofa said.
“Hopefully, we can only get better.”
He said both events had around 20 bouts on the card, but in 2022 a few people dropped out as the night drew near - either because of Covid-19 or because they didn’t feel ready enough.
Heading out to do battle under the bright lights could be a bit daunting.
“‘The heartbeat is getting faster and faster’; there were all the excuses under the sun.