A drone programme without review is incompatible with democracy. The recommendation by US President Barack Obama of national security adviser John Brennan as CIA director ought to be of concern to all who value democracy. Not that Brennan lacks basic qualifications. His 25 years with the CIA give him that. The Senate hearings on his confirmation tell another story, one of reticence to deal with torture, and of apparent eagerness to use drones to kill not only foreign enemies but US citizens.
The CIA itself has undergone a transformation over the past decade from an intelligence-gathering organisation - spying, to put it bluntly - to an operational paramilitary organisation. Those operations include kidnappings, "renditions", torture and assassinations. Ordinarily the work of intelligence agencies consists in collection of mountains of data and subjecting those mountains to analysis. Conclusions freighted with degrees of certainty are then provided to the executive for judgment and potential action. It's tedious work, not at all sexy, more George Smiley than James Bond.
Politicising that intelligence function after 9/11 provided the dubious rationale for Bush and Blair to invade Iraq. Then these governments turned away from fox work to become the hedgehogs of the Dick Cheney stripe, and moved into what Cheney called "the Dark Side". Bush and Cheney have openly acknowledged their authorisation of torture, relying upon flimsy justifications provided in memos by the compliant Office of Legal Counsel, Department of Justice, with the odious euphemism, "enhanced interrogation techniques".
Brennan is a left-over from that period. He admits he knew about water-boarding, a technique he now describes as "reprehensible" but refuses to describe as "torture". He claims to have given his reservations in private, but felt he had no other duty, as he did not have direct authority. This view of himself as the metaphorical "good German" fails the simplest moral test. Neither the perpetrator nor the bystander can escape responsibility.
Mr Brennan has more recently been especially associated with the drone programme. Begun under the Bush regime, the programme targeting terrorist suspects has been elaborated under Obama, and Brennan is reported to pick the targets.