The final episode of a 10-part series featuring the life of scientist Albert Einstein, Genius, ran on National Geographic this week.
It was a warts and all portrayal of the life many people would consider to be the most intelligent human being to have lived. Einstein would say he was no more exceptional than anyone else, save perhaps that he was incredibly curious.
Without giving away too many spoilers, the series was an enthralling eye-opener, that ought to be watched for both its entertainment, but also its historical, humanitarian and political values.
Let's spill a few beans. Einstein was a jerk. When it came to his family he would not have passed enough papers to earn his degree in close relationships.
His actions around arguably the second most brilliant mind of the times (perhaps most brilliant, we'll never know), Einstein's first wife Mileva Maric, were although arguably a product of chauvinistic times, nonetheless awful.