Are we born to win, is it a gene we are born with, or do we become consistent winners through (smart) hard work?
It is an age old debate I am always asking myself in theory and have a fair grasp on from a competitive perspective, as in my chosen sport I have a career record over the past 35 years of a 91 per cent win ratio; which can be both de-motivating, motivating and full of fear; personally I use this as a motivator.
The 'D' words come to mind when I think about the meaning of winning: Discipline, determination and dedication to the job at hand.
Everyone's a Winner
Deep down we all want to win: in our career, business, love, happiness, sport & life. We don't all want to win in the same endeavour & don't share the same definition of winning. However, we do want to win at what is important to us.