Top equestrian endurance riders had a long day in the saddle at the Trans Tasman Endurance Challenge in the central North Island.
Australian Equestrian Endurance team members on borrowed horses joined New Zealand riders at Waiouru on Sunday for a 3am start to the Trans Tasman event, riding into the darkness across hilly farmland. They competed in 80km and 120km rides over five farms between Tangiwai and Hihitahi.
The Trans Tasman Endurance Challenge is a biennial event, last held at Stirling's Crossing in Queensland.
The horses are checked by a team of vets before and after each 40km lap to ensure they still have a normal pulse and are not lame or dehydrated, so riders had to keep at a steady pace and stop at water troughs. They also had to stop for gates which gave the horses a rest.
"There's dozens of them," an Aussie rider, who was used to riding in more open country, said.