"The best thing to hold on to in life is each other." Audrey Hepburn
There are a lot of things in these times we would want to say matter. I have been thinking, how I can hold my focus on what matters unless I am first clear about what is important to me?
To help me focus, my Angels suggest I write down the ways of evaluating my priorities. They say, take time to sit quietly and ask myself what are the things that help me feel happy? Where would I like my life to be in 5-10 years? Who do I want to be?
Sometimes I feel quite grumpy and even a little depressed. In these times I have found that keeping a list of the things I am grateful for and reflecting on it most days helps me concentrate on the things that matter most without losing myself.
My Angels encourage me to care for myself and by caring for myself, I can spend more time focusing on what matters.