AS A LIFELONG student of life, many lessons have been learned.
The first of these, as a toddler, was the power of the word "No" and its boon companion, the word "Why".
The next major step in the waltz towards adolescence was the more demanding challenge of 'Why not?'. To paraphrase the Borg in Star Trek, this was the equivalent of repeating over and over in a grating tone that "Resistance is useful".
The undergraduate study of the teenager in search of a reason to rebel then became immersed in loud music, bad poetry and the improbable fashion of bell-bottom jeans.
All this was tempered by parents who looked on with concern in the hope that this was just a stage and it would soon pass. What did pass was a succession of jobs that defined what I did not want to do and the notion there was more over the horizon. Following an independent streak that led overseas to places far and foreign provided more lessons in how the world turns at great speed and will not stop just because you want to get off.