It's time to pause and assess the effectiveness of the Manawatū-Whanganui Economic Action Plan, Lyn Cheyne says.
For four years she marketed Whanganui as a destination, for the Whanganui District Council. Now she's got her own business, Strategy Works, which does destination marketing, tourism and economic development.
The plan, Accelerate25, was launched in 2016 and came out of the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Growth Study. It found nine economic opportunities for the Horizons Region, and four factors necessary to make them happen.
The four are business growth, skills growth, distribution/transport and digital connectivity.
Accelerate25 has a lead team of 10, headed up by Horizons Regional Council chief executive Michael McCartney. Horizons has put $230,000 and staff time into facilitating the plan, a total of nearly $6,900 so far.