A FEW news stories have caught my attention lately and not in a good way. I have been feeling somewhat overwhelmed by many of the challenges facing us. I struggle watching news items that contain starving children. I am freaking out about global warming and feel overwhelmed by the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.
My coping mechanism is generally to ignore these stories as I feel completely helpless to change anything. I wonder what could I do to make a change.
There have been times when I try hard to consider some solutions to the problems we face, but I quickly realise it is all too complicated and re-bury my head back in the sand. Ah, there is merit to the adage "ignorance is bliss".
Then my hubby comes to the rescue again and reminds me of the old starfish story.
While walking along a beach, a man saw a young boy picking up starfish one by one and tossing each one gently back into the water.