Three new roads in the Mill Road development will have names that relate to the history and fauna of the area.
Photo / Bevan Conley
Three new roads in the Mill Road development will have names that relate to the history and fauna of the area.
Photo / Bevan Conley
Names for three new Whanganui streets have been given the green light including the first in the district to include a macron for correct te reo Māori pronunciation.
The three new roads - in the Mill Rd industrial subdivision to the east of Rakau Rd - include a cul-de-sac mainaccess to Mill Rd, and two small cul-de-sacs branching off it.
After consultation, the developer and mana whenua Te Runanga o Tupoho and Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi agreed on the preferred names of Allengate Rd, Tīwai Place and Pākura Place.
Pākura, an alternative name for pukeko, was requested by Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi as the land is a well-known habitat of the native waterbird.
Whanganui District councillors voted in favour of the naming request.
The name "Allengate" recalls the earliest subdivision of the area when the land was part of the Allengate Estate in the township of Mosston.
The developer initially wanted to call the larger road Westbourne Rd to reflect the earlier timber mill operation in the area but as there is already a Westbourne Tce in Castlecliff, Tiwai, which means tree trunk, was suggested as a suitable alternative.
Councillor Alan Taylor said despite the fact his great-great-grandmother was connected to the Allengate name he questioned whether the three street names had a common theme.
"Are we creating precedence for a lack of theme?" he asked.
Councillor Kate Joblin said she thought the names do have a theme.
"The theme is a weaving of the histories of the area," she said.
The Pākura St sign will create a new precedent for Whanganui as the first to include a macron for correct te reo Māori pronunciation.
A new road in the Mill Road development will be named Pākura, an alternative name for pūkeko, and will be Whanganui's first street sign to feature a macron.
Photo / Bevan Conley
A report to councillors referred to the council's commitment to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the New Zealand Geographic Board framework.
Macron use also aligns with the vision of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's Te Ara Kotahi – Māori Strategy which includes values and principles that promote te reo Māori, Māori perspectives, tīkanga (customs) and kawa (protocols).
A Whanganui Road Naming Advisory Panel is currently being considered to enhance the participation of key stakeholders in the road naming process, including local iwi.
Initial discussions have been held with Te Rῡnanaga o Tῡpoho and the Whanganui Land Settlement Negotiation Trust. Terms of Reference have been drafted will be presented to the council's Strategy and Finance Committee for consideration.